How To Stay Fit And Stay Ready For Your Next Trip While Also Staying Home

Well this sucks. If you were to asked me a few months ago if I could see myself staying home, quarantined along with 8 million people in New York City,  I wouldn’t have believed it. Yet here we are.  

However no quarantine is forever, and there is still plenty of traveling to look forward to. Now we just have to stay in shape to be ready for it. But is that something easier said than done? Many gyms are closed to prevent the spread of the virus, and many outdoor activities are discouraged for the same reason. All the while the World Health Organization is saying that we should aim for a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate to intense physical activity per week, at a minimum. 

So what are we to do? Well fear not because we at The Travelers Tips have but together five easy ways to stay active while staying safe at home, so that you can be fit and ready for your next adventure. 


It’s hard to imagine that I am writing this article right now, sitting on my kitchen table in New York City wondering how we got here, and wondering when I will ever be able to travel again, or even leave the house. We at The Travelers Tips, write for ourselves as much as we write for you guys, this is our passion this is what we breathe and to know we will be without the ability to freely travel for sometime, is a tough pill to swallow.

Traveling like most passions can’t be replace, but there are some things we can do that can give us a similar high and that in many ways can prepare us for our next trip.

Luckily technology has granted us time with loved ones around the world and recently live streams have given us the chance to watch our favorite musicians ,DJs , fashion experts and live yoga and workout events from our local spots.

There is a growing concern that with this extended period of working from home, that not only will our nation suffer economically but that the majority of americans will struggle staying in shape. Most tend to forget how much walking we are losing even as sedentary adults. Now more then ever its important we take the time throughout the day to get out and walk and get on the floor and sweat a bit.

We have thoughtfully put together some of the best ways myself an our team here are staying in shape, please check them out below

5 Ways to Stay Home and Stay Fit

1- Resistance Bands

Ah Resistance Bands, they sound like something you use while rehabbing an injury or something for people who don’t really lift. But when you really think about it, half the exercises you do at the gym are pushes and pulls which are exactly what resistance bands are made to do.

During our quarantine, space is our the biggest commodity, with resistance bands you can turn your door into a tricep extension or your table into a bicep curl – which more than suffices during the stay at home movement.

Yoga Mat

Ever try doing sit ups or push or any sort of exerise on the floor ? Without a yoga mat your knees would be sore from the hard floor or the dirty carpet. Not only does a Yoga mat give you a cushion whilst working out on your floor, it also keep your floor sanitized from all your sweat.

For any form of at home workout these are a no brainer.

Mini Stationary Pedal

I cannot stress enough how much I love this thing. Having been stuck at home for a few weeks now, I fully expected to gain a bunch of weight. Instead I actually lost some!  

This small Stationary Pedal Bike is only a foot tall and can fit under your desk and you can literally workout, while working from home.

Its an easy and extremely affordable to stay active while not even noticing that you are doing it. Just make believe you are biking to work 🙂 

Body Weight Workouts

Confession, I have been a lifelong weightlifter my entire life. Last month, I hurt my back lifting weights and have since switched over fully to body weight exercise in order to strengthen my core – so this was an easier switch for me.

Even for those who break a sweat with weights,  you underestimate the difficulty with some of these exercise, and if you are stuck in your apartment without machinery, you can still make sure you  are maintaining your physique in the interim.

Full Body Power Wheel

Engage your core, strength your back, keep yourself stretched out all whilst using this product in combination with the body weight exercise cards and resistance bands.

Don’t knock it to you try it, my abs have never been stronger.