It’s hard to imagine that I am writing this article right now, sitting on my kitchen table in New York City wondering how we got here, and wondering when I will ever be able to travel again, or even leave the house. We at The Travelers Tips, write for ourselves as much as we write for you guys, this is our passion this is what we breathe and to know we will be without the ability to freely travel for sometime, is a tough pill to swallow.
Traveling like most passions can’t be replace, but there are some things we can do that can give us a similar high and that in many ways can prepare us for our next trip.
Luckily technology has granted us time with loved ones around the world and recently live streams have given us the chance to watch our favorite musicians ,DJs , fashion experts and live yoga and workout events from our local spots.
There is a growing concern that with this extended period of working from home, that not only will our nation suffer economically but that the majority of americans will struggle staying in shape. Most tend to forget how much walking we are losing even as sedentary adults. Now more then ever its important we take the time throughout the day to get out and walk and get on the floor and sweat a bit.
We have thoughtfully put together some of the best ways myself an our team here are staying in shape, please check them out below