The 5 Quirkiest Places To Stay In The World

Let me start off by saying, there are hundreds if not thousands of weird, wacky and wild places to stay in this world. You can stay in a hotel that is shaped like a shoe, a defunct crane, a house that’s shaped like a dog, a refurbished airplane that makes a really cool Airbnb listing. You can even stay in an old retired cruise ship. In fact, there are so many places like this, that at some point they become a novelty, instead of an authentic and unique experience.

That’s not to say the world doesn’t have train, plane and boat enthusiasts, whose dream has always been to stay in a piece of their favorite mode of transportation. However, what most of these places miss, is an extra gear that helps connects you to the object you are staying in, something that gives you a full sensory experience.

With that being said we at The Travelers Tips have gone through hundreds, if not thousands of unique locations around the world and we have distilled them down to The 5 Most Unique Places to Stay in the World.

These are places that are not only quirky but also lend themselves to a transformative experience. 

The 5 Most Unique Places to Stay in the World.

1-Manta Resort - Pemba Island, Tanzania.    

We often hear about exotic trips from friends and even loved ones. Usually, they entail some sort of resort, often a tropical environment with a beach and almost always a cold alcoholic beverage. These places are beautiful, all-inclusive and for the most part – inauthentic.

In comes Manta resort; a resort with all those things but all – an underwater bedroom.

No this isn’t some clever marketing scheme to help fill extra rooms in some a dimly lit basement on a Caribbean island. Nor is this some funny way of saying Manta Resort has great VR technology. No this is a full-fledged authentic experience and let us show you why. 

Reason One: Locale

This isn’t your typical St. Thomas, Puerto Rico or even Cancun type trip. This is Pemba Island a remote island of the Tanzanian Coast in the Indian Ocean. Chance are – unless you are Tanzanian or a fellow travel magazine writer – you have probably never heard of this place. Ever if you are, you probably still don’t know it.

Pemba Island is known for some of the most remote and untouched marine life in the world, a place your kids or your significant other could only dream about. 

Reason Two: People, Or Lack Thereof.

There is remote, and then there is Pemba Island. In order to get to here, you have to hire your own private aviation company and fly from either Arusha, Dar es Salaam or Zanzibar Tanzania mainland.

Not everyone is going to make that effort and in the end that what makes it so special.

Reason Three: Manta Resort

Manta Resort isn’t like most resorts with private pool and views of the ocean – instead their hotel rooms are actually UNDERWATER. I know we already said that but it’s so cool we had to say it once more. Manta resort boasts your own personal floating bungalow with a pool on your roof, outdoor seating and an indoor kitchen. But where it really gets cool, is below sea level;  your entire bedroom is underwater. 

Equipped with windows all around your underwater room, spend time relaxing as schools of fish pass-by or just take time to revel that you are in fact sleeping underwater.

2- Spitbank Fort - Portsmouth, United Kingdom  

Without getting too philosophical: history has the ability to teach us, to embarrass us, to shape us and to also, in some cases, be really frickin cool.

I am sure you, like most people, include museums visits and walking tours in your vacation plans. It helps us connect to a city or country in a special way, but it especially adds an extra layer to the human experience and in that same regard, to our vacation experience.

With that idea in mind, if there was a way to passively add this museum-like experience to one of your spa/resort-type vacations would you do it?

What if you were on a floating former army base converted into a luxury spa?

If you’re not convinced yet, then check out three reasons why you should.

Reason One: History Repeats Itself, Unless…

You re-purpose it for good and in this case, Spitbank fort has done just that.

Spitbank has turned a once floating fort, into an ocean oasis. Within its confines, there are 4 bars, all with different themes, a courtyard and even a rooftop deck.

Reason Two: Floating in the Middle of the Ocean

Upon your floating fort, you have options for a ton of different excursions and activities: fishing with chilled champagne, wine and cheese tastings, cocktail and rum tastings and even a fort themed treasure hunt. 

Reason Three: Experience Privacy

With only 9 total bedrooms in the entire floating former fort, you can get what most people want on their vacations – privacy. Not only that, with rooms so limited you can only imagine how this will positively affect the dimension of king suite.

Speaking of rooms, think grand and rustic and absolutely one of a kind. And no – they are not nautical themed.

3- Airstream Campers, Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

The purists will almost always say that the only true way to camp is to be one with nature, to spend time without electronics, comfy beds and to be exposed to elements. These people take pleasure in going off the grid for a few days, or even weeks and really enjoy reconnecting with the world outside of the daily pulls of life.

On the other hand, the casual camper might just be happy with a cabin in the woods and might justify glamping with their family, by saying there is no reason you can’t enjoy modern amenities, whilst experiencing nature in doses. 

Now, what if there was a place where both pure and casual campers could both enjoy their experience?

Insert Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia, a chance to experience a once in a lifetime locale – salt flats.

Reason One: Airsteamers Needed

The Salt Flats in Salar de Uyuni are so desolate and starved of wildlife that even the most experienced camper could not live 100% off the elements there. In the same regard, even the casual glamper has to compromise and realize there are no luxurious cabins in the woods, only airstreams in the desert used for sleeping and eating.

Reason Two: Desolate.

There are some remote places you can find to camp that are far far away from human civilization. Somewhere tucked in the Amazon rainforest, or hiking the Denali National Park and Preserve in Alaska but not too often can you spend time on an actual salt flat. Its desolate and deafening silence will either scare or thrill you; though things might change when you hear the occasional sounds of viscachas, foxes and pink flamingos in the distance.

It’s not for everyone, we know that, but those who are willing to risk the comfort they get from their usual vacations and take a leap of faith are reward with a once in a lifetime experience.

Reason Three: Salt and Stars

Most who brave the elements in Salar De Uyuni is not there solely to disconnect from civilization or to flamingo watch; they are there to hopefully catch a glimpse of the Salar after rainfall. Rainfall – is infrequent in Uyuni with less than 5 inches per year – but if you plan your trip between December to April you will optimize your chances of seeing the entire salt flats turn into one massive mirror that you are literally, walking on.

Mind-blowing pictures aside, if you are camping in Salar de Uyuni then your biggest prize is going to be after rainfall at night. Even on a day when it doesn’t rain,- since the area you are in is so desolate – you will see some of the best-unencumbered views of the stars in your life. Add the fact that on a clear night after it rains you will be able to see the entire reflection of the stars on the ground you are walking on – it might just change your life.

It’s these moments here that people risk their comfort for a true bucket-list checkmark.

The best way to go is an Airstream camper which mixes some of the comforts of home with the practicality of camping in such a desolate place.

4- Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort- Saariselkä, Finland

Confession, I did not need to do any extensive research on this one as it has been a dream of mine to visit for years. Like the Northern Lights, I am reserving this resort for myself and my future spouse’s honeymoon (wherever you are? ) For everyone else that’s not me, it means you have a chance to stay at by far one of the most amazing and uniques places on this earth.

Like most places on our top 5, traveling to Kakslauttanen isn’t easy. In fact, it might be as hard to get there as it is to pronounce the resort itself – but doing both are well worth the effort it takes.

Most recommend the drive from Kittilä airport to the resort. If you are going mid-winter, driving conditions are fairly stable and driving through Lapland itself can be one of the most rewarding experiences before you even get there.

Though, once you arrive at Kakslauttanen you will know why you took the journey all this way.

Reason One: Northern Lights

Yes, the number one reason people dare take the trek through Lapland is to see the famed Aurora Borealis. The best times to see the Northern lights are ironically not just wintertime. In fact, mid-August to April is the time period where it peaks.

Reason Two: Safaris?

Kakslauttanen boasts exotic safaris just like Africa, though instead of hopping on a 4×4 to see Africa’s lush wildlife, you have the option to hop on a literal sleigh pulled by reindeer.

During winter, due to the proximity to the north pole, you will experience only a few hours of sunlight. In fact, the sun almost never reaches its apex during this time of year, so you are experiencing an almost perpetual sunset during the hours that the sun is visible. Add this to your safari and you and your partner will almost feel like you are in a dream, It’s quite magical. 

Reason Three: Unique Accommodation

Personal biases aside, Kakslauttanen Arctic Resort is in our list of The Top Five Most Unique Places to Stay because of well – the accommodation. There are a ton of options for accommodation at the resort, like cozy log chalets, traditional Finnish homes, and, for the real adventurers, actual snow igloos. But the truly most special place to stay here at Kakslauttanen is the glass igloos. These glass igloos are perfect during the peak Northern light period as they are just one big super warm room. The entire ceiling and all the walls are insulated glass where you and loved one can cozy up and watch the greatest television show in all of Finland – The Northern Lights.

5- Quinta da Pacheca - Douro Valley, Portugal

Ever been to a vineyard?

If your answer was yes, then chances are you know how relaxing and adventurous a stroll along a vineyard with a cold glass of chardonnay in your hand can be. If you said no, then go do that as soon as we can all leave our houses again – but in the meantime lets all dream of wine but in this case, with a twist.

Let’s face it, some of the most dreamy pictures in this world are sunsets over a beautiful landscape.  Now add a glass of wine and some vineyards in the distance and you are practically drooling over the prospect. But what if I said not only could you stay on the Vineyard you have been ooogling in the distance, but you could stay in the actual wine barrels they used for that wine you are drinking?

No, we at The Travelers Tips do not endorse any kind of wine barrel torture, we do however recommend you check Quinta de Pacheca in the Douro Valley of Portugal. Here you can stay in a luxuriously designed room that just so happens to be well designed in a wine barrel. 

Reason One: Wine

In these trying times around the world, I think almost everyone can relate to how having a good bottle of wine handy to share with your closest loved ones has almost become a necessity at this point. But what if you could spend a weekend tasting some of the best wines in the world directly from its source, surrounded by an amazing backdrop – in Quinta you can.

Reason Two:  A Famous Valley

Quinta de Pacheca Vineyard is located in the Douro Valley, a valley that holds the famed Douro river. Spanning from North Central Spain through northern Portugal all the way to its final destination – Porto, Portugal the Douro river is grand. It’s also responsible for the lush lands in Douro Valley that produce olives, almonds, and grapes – all of which are essentials in making Portugal’s most famous wine – Port wine. This decadent dessert wine is something everyone has to try once in their life. 

Reason Three: An Authentic Experience

Spending time getting to know the Douro valley is an adventure in itself, add the fact you have the chance to stay on a vineyard and sleep IN a luxury wine barrel should only help to encapsulate what a truly authentic and unique experience you could have – if you are willing to say wine not ( I couldn’t resist myself)

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